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 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:00 pm 
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Don't like it, don't watch.

It's the stance I am taking with the NFL. Ok, it's the players right to protest. Sure, that's cool. Go ahead. It's also my right not to agree with that stance and it's also my right to refuse to watch any longer, which is what I am doing.

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:11 pm 
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People who decry peaceful protest and support confederate symbolism while soapboxing how much they love America really shows how poorly educated this country is. Those are two of the most un-American stances you can take. The right for peaceful assembly is right there in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". It's right there. As for the Confederate States of America, they seceded from the United States of America and went to war. They went to WAR. With the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That's who the people of the south want to put on a pedestal and defend. War criminals. I understand people want to honor those who fought and died, but they still picked up arms against the United States of America. It's the kind of stuff that belongs in museums, not in courthouses, because those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.

And one more thing. This argument people use about how not standing for the national anthem is disrespecting those in the armed forces is weak sauce. Those people fought, shed blood, and died protecting this country and the rights than we are afforded. If anything, practicing peaceful protest is honoring those who served protecting our rights to do so.

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:13 pm 
Aeroplane Bloke
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I wonder, I wonder if the veterans and those currently serving would rather have giant flags at sporting events or a VA hospital system that doesn't kill thousands every year? Standing for the anthem is the equivalent of changing your facebook profile picture to the Puerto Rico flag. We want to feel like we're helping but do we actually want to help?

Men and Women of this country have given their lives for our rights. Men and Women are still dying because they can't seem to get those rights. NASCAR's leadership, Childress, Petty sure picked a dumb sword to fall on with their ham fisted supporters in tow. This is so stupid. So fucking fucking stupid.

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:12 pm 
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They want to protest? Go right ahead. However, it should be noted that they are employees protesting on what amounts to be company time for a personal interest and not necessarily one that the company shares. If they are fired for doing so, than they should have been prepared for the repercussions of their actions.

Want to protest? Go for it. Just don't do it on company time. If I started carrying around signs in front of the office or down the halls, I'd be shit canned in a hot second. This is no different.

The true stupidity of this is we're talking about it at all. Mixing politics into sports is a sure fire way to get people to not watch. People watch sports as a diversion from the bullshit they're bombarded with everyday. That bullshit shows up at the 50 yard line, victory lane or home plate and people will make their displeasure known by turning off the TV and not attending the events.

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 6:44 pm 
Aeroplane Bloke
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The difference between professional athletes and joe six pack you and me is that our protest wouldn't be seen. These celebrities have a platform seen by tens of millions of people. It is starting a dialog. If they don't do what they do, no one talks about it and their grievances go unheard. Put your self in the shoes of a black person, the person who gets followed around stores by security, avoided on the street by others, pulled over for being in the wrong neighborhood. After all of that go stand at attention for a song that at the end says the land of the free. It seems disrespectful to us because we don't live that life. I'm a white Christian male, top of the social food chain. I've been profiled before, only once in my entire life and to this day it bothers me. Imagine having that happen for your entire life and then be told by the PRESIDENT of the FUCKING COUNTRY you're a Son of a Bitch for being upset. That's not the country I know. If you don't want everyone in this country to feel free, then you're not living in the same country I do.

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 7:11 pm 
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Donald Trump can't get healthcare reform done, he probably won't get tax reform done, no one wants to follow his executive orders, his staff is in shambles, he won't condemn neo-Nazi's or white supremacist's, he can't get Mexico to pay for his wall, oh and then there's this Russia thing... but by God the NFL, Hilary Clinton, President Obama, morning talk-show hosts, Kim Jong-un, other Republicans, fake news had better LOOK OUT because he's all over it!

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:07 pm 
Aeroplane Bloke
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This was written a year ago, and is one of the things that got the whole protest thing in the media spotlight. Here is the original source.


An open letter to Colin Kaepernick, from a Green Beret-turned-long snapper

By: Nate Boyer   August 30, 2016

Editor's note: The following is an opinion piece. The writer is not employed by Military Times and his views do not necessarily represent those of Military Times or its editorial staff.


I'm a big fan. I've been pulling for you ever since I first saw you play in the 2012 preseason. I was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area and have been a die-hard 49ers fan as long as I can remember – growing up, I was Joe Montana for Halloween two years straight.

I proudly wore the red and gold for an afternoon when I had a tryout with the 49ers last spring. I ultimately ended up in training camp with the Seattle Seahawks, but I'll never forget the one day I got to be a 49er.

I don't know a lot, but I do know that I catch a lot of flak for expressing my opinions, something you are now very familiar with. I also know you support the military – "God Bless Our Troops" is written on the football that you and former 49er teammate Colt McCoy signed for one of the charities I work with. The football's currently sitting in my parents' house; my dad bid the highest at the charity's auction.

Unfortunately, I also know that racism still exists in our country, as it does in every other country on this planet, and I hate that I know that. I hate the third verse of our national anthem, but thankfully we don’t sing that verse anymore. I hate that at times I feel guilty for being white.

In 2004, I witnessed genocide firsthand in the Darfur region of Sudan. The fact that hate and oppression still exist at that level in our world really hurts me. I met countless young Africans who were enamored with America and the opportunities that exist here. Those people would have given anything to experience what I had grown up with, even just for one day.

I joined the Army upon returning to the U.S. because I believed people like that were worth fighting for. De Oppresso Liber ("To Free the Oppressed") is the Army Special Forces motto, and the reason I wanted to become a Green Beret. I didn't enlist to fight for what we already have here; I did it because I wanted to fight for what those people didn't have there: Freedom.

I am in no way political, but I'm proud that we have an African-American president, and that I got to serve under him. Overcoming racism at home is a slow process, and we still have a long way to go, but most of us are trying. That's what sets us apart from so many other places. In this country, no matter who you are, where you come from, what color you are, you can try.

During college football games, both teams usually wait in the locker room until after the national anthem. That always bothered me. Leading the team out of the tunnel while carrying the American flag meant a lot, but I still regretted not being out there to stand for that song.

The only time I got to stand on the sideline for the anthem was during my one and only NFL preseason game, against the Denver Broncos. As I ran out of the tunnel with the American flag I could feel myself swelling with pride, and as I stood on the sideline with my hand on my heart as the anthem began, that swelling burst into tears.

I thought about how far I’d come and the men I’d fought alongside who didn’t make it back. I thought about those overseas who were risking their lives at that very moment. I selfishly thought about what I had sacrificed to get to where I was, and while I knew I had little to no chance of making the Seahawks’ roster as a 34-year-old rookie, I was trying.

That moment meant so much more to me than even playing in the game did, and to be honest, if I had noticed my teammate sitting on the bench, it would have really hurt me.

I’m not judging you for standing up for what you believe in. It’s your inalienable right. What you are doing takes a lot of courage, and I’d be lying if I said I knew what it was like to walk around in your shoes. I’ve never had to deal with prejudice because of the color of my skin, and for me to say I can relate to what you’ve gone through is as ignorant as someone who’s never been in a combat zone telling me they understand what it’s like to go to war.

Even though my initial reaction to your protest was one of anger, I’m trying to listen to what you’re saying and why you’re doing it. When I told my mom about this article, she cautioned me that "the last thing our country needed right now was more hate." As usual, she’s right.

There are already plenty people fighting fire with fire, and it’s just not helping anyone or anything. So I’m just going to keep listening, with an open mind.

I look forward to the day you're inspired to once again stand during our national anthem. I'll be standing right there next to you. Keep on trying … De Oppresso Liber.

Former Staff Sgt. Nate Boyer made multiple war-zone deployments as a Green Beret, including during the college football offseason while a student-athlete at the University of Texas. After long-snapping for the Longhorns, he was signed as a free agent by the Seattle Seahawks before the 2015 season. He is involved in multiple charitable causes, including Merging Vets and Players with Jay Glazer and Waterboys, founded by New England Patriots defensive end Chris Long.

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:51 pm 
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westracing01 wrote:
Want to protest? Go for it. Just don't do it on company time. If I started carrying around signs in front of the office or down the halls, I'd be shit canned in a hot second. This is no different.

Eh, Colin Kaepernick, who started this, effectively is blackballed. Only a few people were continuing the tradition -- the NFL was tolerating it, but I really hadn't heard much about this lately, so it seemed to be quietly dying a slow death.

Then our pseudo-fascist-wannabe "leader" (who luckily is too incompetent to do anything of note, including run a football league himself) had to "rally the base" by tweeting stupid nationalist crap about forcing people in a private organization he has nothing to do with, to stand for anthems or get fired. Instead of, oh, I don't know, tweet about sending aid to hurricane ravaged territories or diffusing tensions with North Korea or something useful. (Those things are harder, whereas rabble-rousing tweets are easy!)

The protests *only* grew because of Trump tweeting. Hell, if I were an NFL player, I'd take a knee too -- the president of the nation you are in just called some of your teammates sons-of-a-bitch, right? It's pretty much impossible *not* to mix politics and sports when the highest office in the nation decides that, in the name of creating an outrage meme, this is the most important thing ever over all that is going on. In my opinion, the protest is half about a middle finger to Trump now.

I do think NASCAR shouldn't have even bothered to make a statement. This wasn't their fight. I guess a few of them wanted to "rally the base" as well, which of course includes our fine Confederate flag waving "American patriots". (As the Southern expression goes, "bless their hearts").

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 11:05 pm 
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To much attention is on the act of the protest, not enough people asking why the protest or entering into a conversation. But that's just stating the obvious. This is just another Trump distraction technique. But again, stating the obvious.

One thing many people have forgotten is that it is ok to disagree. It is ok to discuss, dispute and not come to an agreement. State your case, your facts and feelings and let someone else of opposite mindset do that same in return. Instead too many people are dictating what others should or should not do, what is and isn't respectful, and using attempting to use those points as 'fact' or 'truth'. That doesn't work.

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 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 11:55 pm 
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Just another example of NASCAR's wrong-headedness on everything they touch.

- Get a sponsor with its biggest market share under 24

- Ask people over 70 their take on a political issue

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:02 am 
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the ost wrote:
Just another example of NASCAR's wrong-headedness on everything they touch.

- Get a sponsor with its biggest market share under 24

- Ask people over 70 their take on a political issue

One dog goes one way and the other dog goes the other way, and Nascar is like 'whaddya want from me?'

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:25 am 
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How about fixing the schedule and putting more short tracks and road courses, rather than 1.5 after 1.5

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 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:26 am 
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At this point I'm even fed up with the popular notion that US soldiers have always "fought and died for" freedom, rights, etc. I certainly understand a lot of them joined and eventually died with that intent and motivation. And that's admirable. But objectively, the military is has often been deployed (and in the last several decades, pretty much exclusively so) to protect "American interests," which can be directly translated to the interests of the wealthy, ruling elite (the corporate state). Anyone looking for acts of disrespect and insults toward service members would do well to start by acknowledging that. But that's honestly putting it too tamely and cleanly. It's craven and evil (inasmuch as I believe in literal "evil"), particularly when members of that very ruling elite pretend that people who choose to ignore the militaristic song and dance are the ones who lack respect for sacrifice.

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 4:14 am 
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Chris A wrote:
At this point I'm even fed up with the popular notion that US soldiers have always "fought and died for" freedom, rights, etc. I certainly understand a lot of them joined and eventually died with that intent and motivation. And that's admirable. But objectively, the military is has often been deployed (and in the last several decades, pretty much exclusively so) to protect "American interests," which can be directly translated to the interests of the wealthy, ruling elite (the corporate state). Anyone looking for acts of disrespect and insults toward service members would do well to start by acknowledging that. But that's honestly putting it too tamely and cleanly. It's craven and evil (inasmuch as I believe in literal "evil"), particularly when members of that very ruling elite pretend that people who choose to ignore the militaristic song and dance are the ones who lack respect for sacrifice.

I agree wholeheartedly. Everything post-WWII was political bullshit. Without going into the personal details, I know where you're coming from. Respect

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 12:34 pm 
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NASCAR can't get away with this shit too much longer.

The Truck race was once again spoiled by a stupid wreck on a restart after a stage caution. This pointless incident resulted in a number of drivers who can win the championship being taken out.

But not to worry, this was all in the NASCAR ideology when they created this stupid rule. Since they know that some people only care for wrecks, what better way then to bunch 'em up at designated intervals during the race to hopefully create one and get a Twitter war about it. Combining all the gimmicks into one, its a perfect storm.

Until someone gets hurt through this gimmick, this shit will continue.

Now they go to a plate lottery race to decide who is allowed to continue to race towards the free-for-all championship shootout in a few weeks.

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 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:32 pm 
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Personally, I think this whole chase format and playoffs deal kinda undermines the first half of the season. Just get rid of these gimmicks already.

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:30 am 
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So apparently NASCAR may be running restrictor plates at the All Star Race this year. If that's true, they are getting desperate.

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 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 4:40 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 7:09 am 
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Sounds like it might be true sadly. Apparently they will be adding a ton of downforce as well. Looked some things up and it was talked about on the Door Bumper Clear podcast (E94 at 29:00 in) this week.

the fact that NASCAR is continuing to try to get the on track product (for cookie cutters) similar to the pack racing seen in the IRL during the mid 2000's (where nobody could pass because everyone is so bunched up & getting runs weren't possible due to the limited power / high downforce) is sad & hilarious

 Post subject: Re: Fuck you, NASCAR
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:55 am 
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FWIW, if it's anything like the Xfinity race at IMS last year where they ran plates, then it's a success.

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