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Would you like me to run the contest again for the 2014 season?
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Total votes: 15
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:09 am 
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For the new season I thought I'd try my hand at running a game. I'm trying to keep it simple, but I don't believe it is original.

All you need to do is pick one driver per race and where they finish is the the points you will score. The person with the lowest score at the end of the season will win. For instance, if you pick Jenson Button for Australia and he wins then you score 1 point... Should you choose Giedo van de Garde and he finishes 18th, then you score 18 points.

I've tried to keep it simple and allow you to enter now and basically forget about it for the rest of the season.

Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 finishers (who have the lowest scores) at the end of the season.

The Rules:
- The person with the lowest total score at the end of the season will be Champion
- Pick one driver per race (only the driver, not the finishing position)
- You can only choose a driver once in the season
- There are 19 races and 22 drivers, so you must have 3 drivers unused at the end of the season
- Points will be awarded based on the finishing position of the driver picked... i.e. 1st scores 1 point down to 22 points for 22nd place finish
- Should a driver retire from a race, then you will score points for the position they end in... i.e. driver to retire first finishes 22nd, therefore 22 points scored
- Should a driver be replaced or substituted, the replacement will count as your pick
- For the purposes of scoring and avoidance of doubt, the results for each race will be taken F1.com
- Picks can only be changed, updated or amended up until Midnight of Friday 15th March 2013 and not thereafter
- Late entries are welcome, but you will be scored 22 points (last place) per race for each race that has been completed before joining
- Scores will be updated the week after each race has run
- Prizes will be awarded to the 3 entrants with the lowest scores at the end of the season
- A tie breaker is required to avoid any potential equal scores
- The tie breaker will be measured to the closest 10th of a second only of the finishing time for the 2013 Singapore GP, 100ths and 1000ths of a second will be ignored
- Tie breaker will only be used at the end of the season and in the event that any entrants have the same scores
- Please post all picks at the start of the season as follows (including answer to tie breaker):

1) Australia - Jenson Button
2) Malaysia - Seb Vettel
3) China - Nico Rosberg

Tie Breaker - To the closest 10th of a second only, what will the winners finish time be for the 2013 Singapore GP?

Good luck.

Please use the following to post your picks:

01) Australia -
02) Malaysia -
03) China -

Tie Break - x hours x minutes xx.xx seconds

Picks for Round 5) Spain

Scores - Round 1 Australia
1 - acopip, CAXEMIRA, Speedworx
3 - Artur Craft, Math, Merton, stimaro, vince
4 - StanV
5 - eurog91, Fermani2
6 - dbr12, EsbenT
8 - maclauren
9 - Bleu, Cheeveer, erwin greven, F1Peter, Fish88, Hotdogger, iks, kart99, Lucasjeha, LucasWheldon, osella 1986, Phil1993, pimmy, Philthy82, ryan86, SFM, slam, Soul Reaver, spekktrum, Tobias
10 - a7b7u
11 - kals, mclaren2008
15 - DoubleFault, EAS
16 - Omega, Sam
19 - De Cesaris fan
22 - Lucky Strike FAN

Scores - Round 2 Malaysia
2 - kals, pimmy, iks, stimaro, Lucasjeha
3 - slam
4 - LucasWheldon, StanV
5 - McLaren2008, erwin greven, Lucky Strike FAN
6 - acopip, Math
7 - ArturCraft, Soul Reaver, eurog91
8 - a7b7u, SFM, maclauren
9 - Tobias, F1Peter, Fermani2, De Cesaris fan, Hotdogger, Fish88, spekktrum
10 - Bleu, vince, Omega
11 - EsbenT
14 - Phil1993, osella 1986
17 - dbr12
18 - DoubleFault
21 - ryan86, kart99, CAXEMIRA, Philthy82
22 - Cheeveer, Sam, EAS, Merton, Speedworx

Scores - Round 3 China
1 - stimaro, Fish88, spekktrum
3 - kals, kart99, Hotdogger, EAS
4 - dbr12, LucasWheldon
7 - Omega, Lucky Strike FAN
10 - Artur Craft, Philthy82
11 - pimmy, Sam
12 - DoubleFault, erwin greven
13 - StanV
14 - McLaren2008
16 - Cheeveer
19 - Tobias, ryan86, iks, F1Peter, Fermani2, Phil1993, acopip, De Cesaris fan, Math, Rosberg, Lucasjeha, Bleu, a7b7u, EsbenT, vince, Merton, osella 1986, Soul Reaver, SFM, Speedworx, eurog91
21 - maclauren

Scores - Round 4 Bahrain
1 - LucasWheldon, Vettel, Cheeveer, spekktrum, Soult Reaver, SFM
3 - ryan86, pimmy, Fermani2, Fish88, Sam, Philthy82, eurog91, maclauren
4 - Phil1993, Artur Craft, a7b7u
5 - DoubleFault, Speedworx
6 - CAXEMIRA, erwin greven
7 - iks, StanV
9 - dbr12, mclaren2008, EAS, Lucky Strike FAN
12 - kart99
13 - Math
14 - Bleu, Omega
15 - kals, De Cesaris fan, stimaro, Merton
16 - Tobias, Lucasjeha, EsbenT, vince, osella 1986
17 - acopip
18 - F1Peter
22 - slam

Scores - Round 5 Spain
1 - dbr12, F1Peter, Hotdogger, slam, Lucasjeha, CAXEMIRA, osella 1986, Philthy82, Soul Reaver
2 - cheeveer, DoubleFault
3 - LucasWheldon, Speedworx
4 - eurog91
5 - Artur Craft, erwin greven, maclauren
7 - mclaren2008
8 - kals, stimaro,
9 - Phil1993, StanV
11 - pimmy, acopip
13 - SFM
14 - Tobias, ryan86, Fermani2, kart99, Math, Fish88, a7b7u, Sam, vince, Merton, Omega
16 - Lucky Strike FAN
20 - iks
22 - De Cesaris fan, Bleu, EsbenT, spekktrum, EAS

Scores - Round 6 Monaco
1 - Artur Craft, DoubleFault, Philthy82
3 - F1Peter, mclaren2008, Phil1993, LucasWheldon, kart99, Hotdogger, Fish88, CAXEMIRA, cheeveer, Sam, vince, osella 1986, Soul Reaver, Speedworx
4 - Tobias, a7b7u, Omega
5 - slam
7 - Math, erwin greven
11 - iks
16 - stimaro
17 - Lucky Strike FAN
18 - SFM, maclauren
19 - dbr12, acopip
20 - kals, Bleu, EsbenT, StanV, spekktrum, eurog91
22 - ryan86, pimmy, Fermani2, De Cesaris fan, Lucasjeha, EAS, Merton

Scores - Round 7 Canada
2 - LucasWheldon
3 - pimmy, iks, Phil1993, De Cesaris fan, Math, ArturCraft, Fish88, Lucasjeha, Cheeveer, Philthy82, SFM
4 - spekktrum, Lucky Strike FAN
5 - kals, Omega
6 - sam
7 - acopip, Merton
8 - Hotdogger
9 - stimaro
10 - ryan86, CAXEMIRA, eurog91
11 - EsbenT, vince, Speedworx, maclauren
13 - dbr12, F1Peter, slam
14 - Tobias, kart99, osella 1986
15 - StanV, Soul Reaver
18 - Bleu
20 - Fermani2, mclaren2008, a7b7u, EAS
21 - DoubleFault, erwin greven

Scores - Round 8 Britain
2 - Tobias, Fermani2, De Cesaris fan, Math, slam, Bleu, a7b7u, DoubleFault, Merton, Philthy82
3 - kals, kart99, Artur Craft, Omega
4 - ryan86, dbr12, LucasWheldon, EsbenT, CAXEMIRA, StanV, osella1986
6 - F1Peter
7 - Soul Reaver, erwin greven
9 - Hotdogger, Lucasjeha
11 - pimmy, cheeveer, EAS
12 - mclaren2008, spekktrum, Speedworx, eurog91
13 - acopip, sam
14 - SFM, maclauren, Lucky Strike FAN
16 - Fish88
18 - vince
19 - stimaro
20 - iks
22 - Phil1993

Scores - Round 9 Germany
1 - De Cesaris fan, kart99,
3 - Tobias, Speedworx
4 - Fermani2
5 - F1Peter, Merton, erwin greven, Lucky Strike FAN
7 - ryan86, eurog91
8 - acopip, Cheeveer,
9 - pimmy, stimaro, Fish88, CAXEMIRA
10 - LucasWheldon, EsbenT, StanV, Soul Reaver
12 - mclaren2008
13 - Phil1993, Lucasjeha, Bleu, a7b7u, EAS
14 - spekktrum, Sam, vince,
15 - iks
16 - kals, Hotdogger, DoubleFault, SFM
20 - dbr12
21 - Philthy82, maclauren
22 - Math, Artur Craft, slam, Omega

Scores - Round 10 Hungary
1 - stimaro, Bleu
2 - kals, Fermani2
3 - Fish88, DoubleFault, Lucky Strike FAN
4 - EAS
5 - acopip, De Cesaris fan
6 - Phil1993, Artur Craft, Lucasjeha, SFM, Omega
7 - mclaren2008, StanV, a7b7u, Speedworx
8 - pimmy, eurog91
10 - LucasWheldon, Soul Reaver, erwin greven
11 - Sam, CAXEMIRA, osella 1986
12 - Philthy82, maclauren
13 - Hotdogger
15 - Tobias, F1Peter, slam
18 - dbr12, Math
19 - spekktrum, Cheeveer
20 - iks
21 - ryan86, kart99, Merton
22 - EsbenT, vince

Scores - Round 11 Belgium
3 - Soul Reaver
6 - vince, eurog91
7 - Cheeveer
8 - DoubleFault
9 - Fermani2, acopip, Speedworx
10 - kals
13 - Stimaro
14 - Artur Craft
21 - Everyone else...
22 - kart99

Scores - Round 12 Italy
2 - Tobias, ryan86, pimmy, EsbenT, maclauren
4 - Phil1993, Lucasjeha, Spekktrum
7 - F1Peter, EAS, Speedworx
8 - CAXEMIRA, StanV, vince
12 - Math, Bleu, a7b7u, Philthy82, Soul Reaver, SFM, eurog91
13 - kals, dbr12, stimaro, slam, DoubleFault
15 - Merton
16 - mclaren2008, De Cesaris fan, kart99, Hotdogger, Artur Craft, Fish88, Cheeveer, Omega
17 - erwin greven
21 - acopip, osella 1986, Lucky Strike FAN
22 - iks, Fermani2, LucasWheldon, Sam

Scores - Round 13 Singapore
2 - mclaren2008, Phil1993, Bleu, a7b7u, eurog91, Lucky Strike FAN
4 - Sam
5 - spekktrum, vince
6 - Fish88
7 - Fermani2
8 - kart99
10 - iks, Philthy82
11 - acopip, De Cesaris fan, Artur Craft, DoubleFault, osella 1986, maclauren
12 - LucasWheldon, Math, Lucasjeha, cheeveer
14 - pimmy, Hotdogger, Soul Reaver
15 - StanV
16 - EAS
18 - kals, SFM
20 - Tobias, F1Peter, Stimaro, slam, EsbenT, erwin greven, Omega, Speedworx
21 - Merton
22 - ryan86, dbr12

Tie Breaker
In Singapore our tie breaker was scored, which has been measured in seconds and tenths only. As a reminder, I asked each of you to predict the official time of the winner. The winner Vettel finished in 1:59:13.1. Here are the prediction deltas (in seconds):

Winner's time (in seconds) - 7153.1

7.5 - maclauren
11.2 - Phil1993
14.9 - DoubleFault
21.8 - Fish88
23.3 - Speedworx
31.0 - a7b7u
39.8 - EsbenT
41.4 - Tobias
44.6 - SFM
45.3 - osella 1986
46.9 - acopip
48.4 - Hotdogger
50.0 - StanV
52.9 - slam
54.3 - eurog91
56.0 - pimmy
59.0 - erwin greven
65.9 - Bleu
71.9 - kart99
84.8 - spekktrum
85.0 - Soul Reaver
98.1 - Math
98.4 - F1Peter
104.1 - LucasWheldon
112.1 - Artur Craft
116.7 - Fermani2
127.4 - Omega
133.5 - vince
136.0 - Lucasjeha
213.6 - mclaren2008
214.8 - Philthy82
230.2 - Merton
250.7 - EAS
265.2 - Lucky Strike FAN
313.1 - De Cesaris fan
398.1 - ryan86
553.1 - Sam
704.0 - kals
790.3 - iks
822.6 - cheeveer
975.2 - dbr12
1378.1 - CAXEMIRA
2307.7 - stimaro

There were some remarkably close predictions but the closest was maclauren who was a mere 7.5 seconds off Vettel's finishing time. Well done. Special mentions also go to Phil1993 (who rarely gets a prediction this close) and DoubleFault for predicting within 15 seconds of the finish time.

This obviously means nothing to everyone's overall scores and the above will only impact the finishing order of the top 3 in the event of tied scores.

Scores - Round 14 Korea
1 - pimmy, slam, StanV, Sam, erwin greven, Omega
3 - kals, mclaren2008, Hotdogger
4 - Fermani2, De Cesaris fan, Fish88, Bleu
7 - maclauren
10 - Ryan86, Merton
12 - dbr12, F1Peter, Soul Reaver
13 - SFM
14 - EsbenT
17 - iks
18 - Tobias, Lucasjeha, a7b7u, EAS, Speedworx, eurog91, Lucky Strike FAN
19 - Phil1993, LucasWheldon, kart99, Math, Artur Craft, CAXEMIRA, Philthy82
20 - stimaro, spekktrum, Osella 1986
21 - acopip
22 - cheeveer, DoubleFault, vince

Scores - Round 15 Japan
1 - Fermani2, LucasJeha, Bleu, a7b7u, EAS, Philthy82, maclauren
2 - SFM
3 - kart99, Cheeveer
4 - DoubleFault
5 - vince
6 - ryan86, Merton, eurog91
7 - Phil1993, osella 1986
9 - EsbenT, Omega, Lucky Strike FAN
10 - Tobias
11 - De Cesaris fan, Soul Reaver
12 - CAXEMIRA, StanV
13 - Fish88
14 - kals, pimmy, dbr12, F1Peter
15 - Artur Craft, slam
16 - Hotdogger, stimaro,
17 - acopip, LucasWheldon
18 - mclaren2008, Math, spekktrum
20 - Sam
21 - erwin greven
22 - iks, Speedworx

Scores - Round 16 India
1 - kals, ryan86, iks, F1Peter, mclaren2008, Phil1993, Speedworx
3 - LucasWheldon
5 - Lucasjeha
8 - Bleu, osella 1986, eurog91, Lucky Strike FAN
9 - Sam, DoubleFault
10 - pimmy, acopip, slam, spekktrum, Merton, erwin greven
12 - dbr12
13 - Fermani2, kart99, Artur Craft, EsbenT, SFM
14 - Math, maclauren
15 - Tobias, De Cesaris fan, StanV, Soul Reaver
16 - stimaro, CAXEMIRA, Cheeveer
18 - Hotdogger
19 - vince, EAS
20 - Omega
21 - a7b7u, Philthy82
22 - Fish88

Scores - Round 17 Abu Dhabi
1 - Tobias, acopip, EsbenT
4 - Osella 1986, Soul Reaver
5 - SFM
6 - kals, pimmy
9 - Omega
11 - F1Peter, Phil1993, slam, Lucasjeha, Philthy82, Lucky Strike FAN
12 - De Cesaris fan, DoubleFault
13 - iks, Hotdogger, Bleu, erwin greven, Speedworx
14 - mclaren2008
15 - Fermani2, Artur Craft, a7b7u, vince, EAS
16 - Sam, eurog91
17 - Ryan86, LucasWheldon, Stimaro, Fish88, Cheeveer, spekktrum, Merton
19 - StanV
20 - Math, CAXEMIRA
21 - dbr12
22 - kart99

Scores - Round 18 United States
2 - iks
4 - mclaren2008, acopip
5 - vince
6 - Tobias, dbr12, Spekktrum
7 - DoubleFault, osella 1986, Lucky Strike FAN
8 - ryan86, pimmy, Phil1993, De Cesaris fan, Math, slam, Lucasjeha, Sam, Philthy82, erwin greven, maclauren
9 - Hotdogger
10 - Artur Craft
11 - Fermani2, stimaro, Bleu, a7b7u, Cheeveer
12 - kart99
13 - EsbenT, CAXEMIRA, Omega, eurog91
15 - Fish88, StanV, EAS, SFM
16 - kals, F1Peter
18 - LucasWheldon
17 - Speedworx
20 - Soul Reaver
22 - Merton

Into the last race, all was to play for between pimmy and Soul Reaver. Just 8 points separating the two contenders and with picks Hulkenberg and Massa starting side by side, the contest looked like achieving an enthralling conclusion.

Only a few laps into the race the title was wide open. Massa was challenging for a top 4 spot and was even a contender for a podium (if Alonso's post race interview is to be believed), with Hulkenberg fighting to stay inside the top 10. Then with Massa's drive-through the title was all but decided.

No-one picked the winner for Brazil, although the moral victors of the event are kart99 and erwin greven who both selected Rosberg. The popular picks were Massa (18 picks) and Hulkenberg (11).

Scores - Round 19 Brazil
5 - kart99, erwin greven
7 - ryan86, iks, dbr12, Fermani2, acopip, Bleu, a7b7u, EsbenT, CAXEMIRA, Sam, DoubleFault, vince, EAS, Osella 1986, Philthy82, Soul Reaver, SFM, maclauren
8 - kals, pimmy, F1Peter, Phil1993, Hotdogger, Math, Slam, Lucashjeha, Cheeveer, Omega, Speedworx
11 - spekktrum
13 - Tobias, Lucas Wheldon, Artur Craft, StanV, Lucky Strike FAN
15 - De Cesaris fan
17 - mclaren2008, Merton, eurog91
20 - Stimaro,
21 - Fish88

So with the final round completed, who wins...

Final Championship table after 19 rounds

***1st - 173 - pimmy***

2nd - 174 - kals

3rd - 180 - Soul Reaver

183 - Phil1993
188 - Lucasjeha, DoubleFault
189 - Fermani2
190 - Artur Craft, Hotdogger
193 - eurog91, Philthy82
196 - mclaren2008
198 - Osella 1986
199 - LucasWheldon, maclauren
201 - Speedworx
203 - erwin greven
205 - Fish88
206 - Cheeveer
207 - Bleu, acopip
208 - Lucky Strike FAN, F1Peter
209 - a7b7u
211 - Tobias
213 - StanV, SFM
218 - Omega, slam
221 - Sam, kart99
222 - vince
223 - spekktrum
224 - ryan86
229 - stimaro
230 - De Cesaris fan
239 - Math, dbr12
241 - EsbenT
242 - iks
260 - EAS
269 - Merton

The kals F1 2013 Game Champion and my congratulations go to pimmy who triumphed with a score of 173, an average score of 9.1 per race. Runner-up and a mere single point behind was me and 3rd on 180 points was Soul Reaver.

This has been a fun competition to run and thank you all for playing. The level of interest and number of entries far surpassed what I expected when I first decided to set up the contest. I've added a poll to see if you'd like me to run the contest again in 2014.

Well done again to the top 3. See you all in 2014.


ps... to the winners, feel free to add the following to your signatures

**kals F1 2013 Game - Champion**

**kals F1 2013 Game - 2nd place**

**kals F1 2013 Game - 3rd place**

BTCC Pick Em's Champion 2010
Formula Fun Cup Champion 2013

Last edited by kals on Mon Nov 25, 2013 8:32 pm, edited 61 times in total.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:18 am 
2011 TBK-Light Funniest member award winner
2011 TBK-Light Funniest member award winner
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01) Australia - Button
02) Malaysia - di Resta
03) China - Rosberg
04) Bahrain - Grosjean
05) Spain - Maldonado
06) Monaco - Pic
07) Canada - Sutil
08) Britain - Hamilton
09) Germany - Webber
10) Hungary - Gutierrez
11) Belgium - Raikkonen
12) Italy - Alonso
13) Singapore - Ricciardo
14) Korea - Perez
15) Japan - Hulkenberg
16) India - Vettel
17) Abu Dhabi - Vergne
18) America - Bottas
19) Brazil - Massa

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:21 am 
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Thanks Ryan. But don't forget to post your tie breaker.

BTCC Pick Em's Champion 2010
Formula Fun Cup Champion 2013

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:39 am 
2010 TBK-F1 prediction King
2010 TBK-F1 prediction King
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01) Australia - Button
02) Malaysia - Webber
03) China - Perez
04) Bahrain - Grosjean
05) Spain - Gutierrez
06) Monaco - Pic
07) Canada - Hamilton
08) Britain - Maldonado
09) Germany - Rosberg
10) Hungary - Massa
11) Belgium - Raikkonen
12) Italy - Alonso
13) Singapore - Vergne
14) Korea - Vettel
15) Japan - Sutil
16) India - Ricciardo
17) Abu Dhabi - di Resta
18) America - Bottas
19) Brazil - Hulkenberg

Tie Break - 1:58:17.131

Check out the Touring Car Driver Database! (if you'd be so kind)
Motorsport playlists on YouTube

Last edited by pimmy on Thu Mar 07, 2013 3:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 12:45 am 
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Thanks pimmy, that's a quick GP you're expecting!

BTCC Pick Em's Champion 2010
Formula Fun Cup Champion 2013

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:59 am 
2010 TBK-F1 prediction King
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kals wrote:
Thanks pimmy, that's a quick GP you're expecting!

:lol: I thought you meant margin of victory for some reason. I'll change it.

Check out the Touring Car Driver Database! (if you'd be so kind)
Motorsport playlists on YouTube

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:44 am 
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01) Australia - Button
02) Malaysia - Webber
03) China - Rosberg
04) Bahrain - Alonso
05) Spain - Vergne
06) Monaco - Hulkenberg
07) Canada - Hamilton
08) Britain - Perez
09) Germany - Maldonado
10) Hungary - Bottas
11) Belgium - Raikkonen
12) Italy - di Resta
13) Singapore - Sutil
14) Korea - Chilton
15) Japan - Bianchi
16) India - Vettel
17) Abu Dhabi - Gutierrez
18) America - Grosjean
19) Brazil - Massa

Tie breaker: 2:12:23.483

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:10 am 
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01) Australia - Webber
02) Malaysia - Button
03) China - Vettel
04) Bahrain - Rosberg
05) Spain - Alonso
06) Monaco - Bianchi
07) Canada - Grosjean
08) Britain - Hamilton
09) Germany - Vergne
10) Hungary - Di Resta
11) Belgium - Raikkonen
12) Italy - Gutierrez
13) Singapore - Ricciardo
14) Korea - Bottas
15) Japan - Sutil
16) India - Maldonado
17) Abu Dhabi - Chilton
18) America - Hulkenberg
19) Brazil - Massa

Tie Break - 2:15:28.356

"Every day you get up you should live your life like a fucking star" - Liam Gallagher.
"Not bad for a number two driver" - Mark Webber
"First lap nutcase" - Mark Webber on Romain Grosjean

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:21 am 
2012 F1 Pick-Ems champion
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01) Australia - Button
02) Malaysia - Perez
03) China - Rosberg
04) Bahrain - Gutierrez
05) Spain - Alonso
06) Monaco - Webber
07) Canada - Grosjean
08) Britain - Massa
09) Germany - Hamilton
10) Hungary - Pic
11) Belgium - Raikkonen
12) Italy - Ricciardo
13) Singapore - Di Resta
14) Korea - #BOTTAS
15) Japan - Sutil
16) India - Vettel
17) Abu Dhabi - Maldonado
18) America - Vergne
19) Brazil - Hulkenberg

Tie Break - 1 hour 57 minutes 34.794 seconds

edit: added tie break

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:41 am 
Russian Propaganda Machine - Benelux Division
Russian Propaganda Machine - Benelux Division
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I'm a bit surprised at the 2h+ entries. Isn't a GP by regulation limited to max. 2h?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:28 am 
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01) Australia - Hamilton
02) Malaysia - Perez
03) China - Rosberg
04) Bahrain - Grosjean
05) Spain - Maldonado
06) Monaco - Pic
07) Canada - Gutierrez
08) Britain - Webber
09) Germany - Alonso
10) Hungary - Raikkonen
11) Belgium - Sutil
12) Italy - Di Resta
13) Singapore - Button
14) Korea - Hulkenberg
15) Japan - Vettel
16) India - Vergne
17) Abu Dhabi - Bottas
18) America - Ricciardo
19) Brazil - Massa

Tie Break - 2 hours 1 minutes 09.873 seconds

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:37 am 
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Tobias wrote:
I'm a bit surprised at the 2h+ entries. Isn't a GP by regulation limited to max. 2h?

4 hours if theres a red flag for something

anyway its my turn to enter

01) Australia - Perez
02) Malaysia - Massa
03) China - Maldonado
04) Bahrain - Rosberg
05) Spain - di Resta
06) Monaco - Webber
07) Canada - Gutierrez
08) Britain - Bottas
09) Germany - Ricciardo
10) Hungary - Button
11) Belgium - Raikkonen
12) Italy - Sutil
13) Singapore - Alonso
14) Korea - Grosjean
15) Japan - Pic
16) India - Vettel
17) Abu Dhabi - Hulkenberg
18) America - Hamilton
19) Brazil - Bianchi

Tie Break - 1 hours 55 minutes 39.54 seconds

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:56 pm 
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Awesome! Thanks everyone and good luck.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:04 pm 
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kals wrote:
Awesome! Thanks everyone and good luck.

Thanks you Kals for doing this :)!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:08 pm 
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Great idea kals!

If a driver retires, I assume he gets his position there. Like, if Button is the third person to retire, he gets placed 20th?

01) Australia - Button
02) Malaysia - Pic
03) China - Rosberg
04) Bahrain - di Resta
05) Spain - Perez
06) Monaco - Webber
07) Canada - Hamilton
08) Britain - Vergne
09) Germany - Sutil
10) Hungary - Grosjean
11) Belgium - Raikkonen
12) Italy - Massa
13) Singapore - Alonso
14) Korea - Ricciardo
15) Japan - Gutierrez
16) India - Vettel
17) Abu Dhabi - Maldonado
18) America - Bottas
19) Brazil - Hulkenberg

Tie Break - 1 hours 59 minutes 24.32 seconds

Dan Wheldon | 1978 - 2011

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:17 pm 
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phil1993 wrote:
Great idea kals!

If a driver retires, I assume he gets his position there. Like, if Button is the third person to retire, he gets placed 20th?

Thanks Phil and great question! Yes you're right.

BTCC Pick Em's Champion 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:49 pm 
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Nice idea kals, thank you for your effort :)

01) Australia - Räikkönen
02) Malaysia - Grosjean
03) China - Rosberg
04) Bahrain - Pic
05) Spain - Gutierrez
06) Monaco - Bianchi
07) Canada - di Resta
08) Britain - Button
09) Germany - Perez
10) Hungary - Alonso
11) Belgium - Sutil
12) Italy - Vergne
13) Singapore - Maldonado
14) Korea - Webber
15) Japan - Bottas
16) India - Ricciardo
17) Abu Dhabi - Vettel
18) America - Hamilton
19) Brazil - Massa

Tie Break - 2 hours 0 minutes 00.00 seconds

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:59 pm 
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I like the idea of this one.

01) Australia - Ricciardo
02) Malaysia - Perez
03) China - Rosberg
04) Bahrain - Massa
05) Spain - Grosjean
06) Monaco - Pic
07) Canada - Hamilton
08) Britain - Webber
09) Germany - Vettel
10) Hungary - Alonso
11) Belgium - Raikkonen
12) Italy - Sutil
13) Singapore - Maldonado
14) Korea - Hulkenburg
15) Japan - Di Resta
16) India - Gutierrez
17) Abu Dhabi - Button
18) America - Bottas
19) Brazil - Vergne

Tie: 1 hour 54 minutes.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:18 pm 
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01) Australia - Jenson Button
02) Malaysia - Nico Rosberg
03) China - Sergio Perez
04) Bahrain - Sebastian vettel
05) Spain - Felipe Massa
06) Monaco - Mark Webber
07) Canada - Fernando Alonso
08) Britain - Lewis Hamilton
09) Germany - Nico Hulkenberg
10) Hungary - Pastor Maldonado
11) Belgium - Kimi Raikkonen
12) Italy - Paul di Resta
13) Singapore - Esteban Gutierrez
14) Korea - Daniel Ricciardo
15) Japan - Valteri Bottas
16) India - Romain Grosjean
17) Abu Dhabi - Jean Eric Vergne
18) America - Jules Bianchi
19) Brazil - Adrian Sutil

Tie Break - 2 hours 00 minutes 57.25 seconds

EDIT: had to put Sutil on my pick

Motorsports trend for 2024: climate change ruining races everywhere

Last edited by LucasWheldon on Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:20 pm 
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Sweet, welcome aboard!

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