
Random NASCAR Discussion
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Author:  Tristar 7AT [ Fri May 09, 2014 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

Is there any particular reason why David Mayhew hasn't been give a solid chance at a full time ride in Trucks or Nationwide? Is he in one of these "must bring sponsorship" type of deals?

Author:  Tommy Vercetti [ Fri May 09, 2014 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

westracing01 wrote:
Tommy Vercetti wrote:
McCaskill is still targeting the National Guard's involvement in NASCAR.
The National Guard spent $26.5 million to sponsor NASCAR racing in 2012 to bolster its marketing and recruitment but failed to sign up a single new soldier to its ranks, according to data provided to USA Today. Even though the Guard spent $88 million as a NASCAR sponsor from 2011 to 2013, it is unclear how many new recruits, if any, signed up because of it, according to documents. The Guard on Wednesday would not confirm the figures on prospects and recruits developed through its NASCAR sponsorship. Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., who will hold a hearing on the recruitment program Thursday, assailed the Guard for "wasting a bunch of money on a very expensive sports sponsorship." The Guard received 24,800 recruiting prospects from the program in 2012, documents show. In those cases, potential recruits indicated the NASCAR affiliation prompted them to seek more information about joining.

Of that group, only 20 met the Guard's qualifications for entry into the service, and not one of them joined. In 2013, the number of prospects associated with NASCAR dropped to 7,500, according to briefing materials for the Senate subcommittee on Financial and Contracting Oversight led by McCaskill. The National Guard needs 1 million leads to meet its annual recruiting goal of 50,000 soldiers. The NASCAR initiative, along with the $38 million spent on an IndyCar racing sponsorship, over the same period, will be the target of the hearing led by McCaskill. Rick Breitenfeldt, a National Guard spokesman, said 90% of Army National Guard soldiers who enlisted or re-enlisted from 2007 to 2013 indicated that they had been exposed to information about the service through NASCAR-related recruiting and retention materials. Sponsoring NASCAR and driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. puts the Guard's name in front of 77 million fans, he said.

McCaskill can bite my Libertarian ass.

Why? If those numbers are accurate then she's right. It's a giant waste of tax payer money (on top of ALL the other wastes of tax payer money.)

Thing is, she has an apparent mean streak against NASCAR like it ruined her life or something.

To be fair, I'd rather see my taxpayer dollars wasted on a race team than on whatever they're doing that's not helping the ailing nation. Still, there are much bigger things to worry about.

Author:  Joe A [ Fri May 09, 2014 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

You're confusing McCaskill with Betty McCollum.


Author:  Shane [ Sat May 10, 2014 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

Most people aren't going to list Dale Jr. as the reason they became a (citizen) soldier. National Guard sponsorship is a big part of brand awareness.

Author:  De Cesaris fan [ Tue May 13, 2014 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion


Author:  FHgrad99 [ Tue May 13, 2014 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

The entry list for the Truck race at Charlotte is shockingly short. 30 trucks.

Author:  Gaara [ Tue May 13, 2014 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

Wow, trucks really is dying.

Author:  De Cesaris fan [ Tue May 13, 2014 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

Healthy sport.

The worst part is that Trucks are usually far more interesting than Cup.

Author:  Pretzel [ Tue May 13, 2014 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

The Truck of Tomorrow was a dumb idea.

Author:  zippy [ Wed May 14, 2014 12:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion


Looks like someone crying. IMO

Author:  SBan83 [ Wed May 14, 2014 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

Truck series first needs to stop disappearing for months.

Author:  Philthy82 [ Wed May 14, 2014 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

Didn't the ToT just put a new nose and tv panel on last year's bodies?

Author:  Chris A [ Wed May 14, 2014 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

Yeah it was just some bodywork updates. The chassis are unchanged.

Author:  Wreckinturn4 [ Wed May 14, 2014 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

I think it was funsand who said the trucks would be the first of the 3 series to die off. seems legit

Author:  westracing01 [ Wed May 14, 2014 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

They don't pay nothing once you get back past 5th place or so. Granted, I haven't seen the numbers in a couple years but I seem to remember some of the teams earning around 8-10K for a top 10.

Actually, I went back and checked... A good example is at the Pocono 125 last year, Matt Crafton, eventual series Champion, earned $10,810 for his 8TH place. Really? What's it cost, $80,000 to build a good truck? I know guys with $40,000 sprint cars who are making 8-10K a weekend racing 3-4 nights with a whole helluva lot less investment. NASCAR's top heavy with the money in too many ways. Too much in Cup, too much at the front of the field and certainly not nearly enough trickle down to the series that are supposed to be supplying them with their future Cup talent.

Nobody seems to understand that the health of your series, as far as dollars and cents are concerned, isn't determined by how much the winner gets, it's determined by how much you're paying the guy who finishes at the end. This is why short tracks that gurantee $800 to start the feature (and sometimes $200 or so for towing your car to the track) get full fields plus some. They're making it worth a guys while to race because if he can start the feature, and doesn't tear his stuff up, he's racing for free that night as the payout will usually cover his tires, fuel, pit passes (crew), food, etc.

Yes race teams have sponsors to help pay the bills, but not too many in the trucks have big time sponsors that are paying all the freight. That's a huge commitment. The payout you recieve, especially at the levels we're talking about here, should at least cover the expenses incurred to get to the track and race. If you don't tear up your stuff, and what you earn for 15th doesn't cover the bills for the weekend, then something is wrong.

Author:  SecretAgentHarvick [ Wed May 14, 2014 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

Parker Kligerman has been named to stand in for Kurt Busch at Charlotte in case there are hold ups in his Indy endeavor.

Which makes me wonder... IF it were to rain at Indy and delay the start to where it would interfere with getting to Charlotte in time for the 600, would Kurt choose to stay in Indy to finish the 500 with the win and the Chase spot being locked up in the bag already...

Author:  Ian-S [ Wed May 14, 2014 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

westracing01 wrote:
Nobody seems to understand that the health of your series, as far as dollars and cents are concerned, isn't determined by how much the winner gets, it's determined by how much you're paying the guy who finishes at the end. This is why short tracks that gurantee $800 to start the feature (and sometimes $200 or so for towing your car to the track) get full fields plus some. They're making it worth a guys while to race because if he can start the feature, and doesn't tear his stuff up, he's racing for free that night as the payout will usually cover his tires, fuel, pit passes (crew), food, etc.

Yes race teams have sponsors to help pay the bills, but not too many in the trucks have big time sponsors that are paying all the freight. That's a huge commitment. The payout you recieve, especially at the levels we're talking about here, should at least cover the expenses incurred to get to the track and race. If you don't tear up your stuff, and what you earn for 15th doesn't cover the bills for the weekend, then something is wrong.

That's not a NASCAR exclusive though, I've seen that happen time and time again for decades, even here. Back in the 90's I was asked by the local tv station why I was racing in a series at a track 200 miles away, and not the local track 30 mile down the road, my answer was the one 200 miles away pays more to start the race than the local track pay to the winner.

They thought I was mad, didn't understand at all (it was also cut from the broadcast because it was the local promoter who had arranged the interview while I was in another event at the track), the local series died a quick death in 1997, the other series still runs today.

Author:  SecretAgentHarvick [ Wed May 14, 2014 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

I just noticed Justin Allgaier is not on the entry list for the Showdown this weekend, wonder why?

Author:  Gael [ Wed May 14, 2014 6:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

SecretAgentHarvick wrote:
I just noticed Justin Allgaier is not on the entry list for the Showdown this weekend, wonder why?

To focus on the 600.

Author:  Pretzel [ Wed May 14, 2014 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Random NASCAR Discussion

NASCAR should either have made changes to the NNS and trucks till either the economy improves. Then NASCAR can afford to pay them.

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