
Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?
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Author:  Tobias [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

I have so many reasons. I don't mind missing quali sessions these days, and even missing out on a race would not constitute the drama it did before.

Some of the reasons: other priorities in life, drivers younger than me can hardly be a role model anymore, the general direction of F1, no more English speaking broadcast, etc...

Author:  thestig88 [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

For me, change in priorities in life (wife, children, career), availability of F1 material - everything is available online these days be it news, forums, torrenting, streaming etc, means if you miss a live session, no big deal. Back in the day, if you missed a session, that's it you've missed it, so you made the effort to watch. Modern F1 far to clinical, corporate, sterile and lacking in soul and tradition.

Author:  mclaren2008 [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

thestig88 wrote:
Modern F1 far to clinical, corporate, sterile and lacking in soul and tradition.

pretty much

I've been to two F1 races and won't go to another unless its a gift or prize. I feel the value for money just isn't there anymore. I'd rather trek halfway across the world and attend Indianapolis, Le Mans or the IOM TT than do a 1 hour flight to Albert Park.

Author:  codename_47 [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

I'm not, actually, I still love this era way more than the winglet full, high downforce, traction control, grooved tyres, refuelling, ugly cars era of 2001-2008

If you look back to that, you'll see we're just as bitchy towards F1 then, that's the beauty of being able to call up old posts from here

Only thing I'd say is we're getting older and there's other things in our lives now

I've seen it in many different groups based around passions, be it TV shows, science fiction, other sports, live music, whatever

Nothing is ever as good as when you first start watching something as a younger person, you're feeling your way into a new passion and watching it uncritically.
Then after a while that passions changes slightly and suddenly it's "Oh, it's shit now, it was better when I was younger..."

F1 is pretty good now, overtaking wise. It happens on the track more often than it did, but apparently that's not good enough any more
If you showed an "average" race to those of us who were around here 10 years ago, we'd be stunned. We'd be lucky to get more than a handful of overtakes outside the pit lane back then

Be careful what you wish for, otherwise you might stupidly vote through changes that bring higher amounts of downforce that will ruin the racing we have, while merely changing which team is dominating at the front.....ah
We've already done that haven't we.
Good job, moaners! :thumbsup:

Author:  pimmy [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

It's quite simple really, even ignoring the politics. Every other category of motorsport produces better racing than F1 and has done so for years.

Author:  JJ [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

I watch F1 just out of habit. It's a kind of addiction in which you think missing a race means that the race will be the best ever and you don't want to make that mistake.

Had I never watched F1 before, I'm sure I would find it utterly dull. Especially if there were no Finnish drivers. That's why I'm afraid F1 isn't getting new young fans anytime soon.

Author:  NVirkkula [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

Kids these days would rather watch Driven than an actual F1 race - and say that Driven is better. I don't see how F1 could attract more new fans, not even with Max Verstappen. Maybe that gets more Dutch fans and Ryo Harianto get's more Indonesian fans and Haas gets maybe two or three people in America to watch, but that's about it.

Too predictable, too complicated, too sterile, no sense of addrenaline like it used to deliver. If we exaggerate a bit, the drivers are more worried about what fancy restaurant they should go for breakfast on Monday than if they will actually see the Monday. And they're all just a bunch of whining billionaires who wants to have SC starts and miles of tarmac runoffs everywhere and the bumps smoothened away from the track surface and calling penalties for the other guys.

Author:  Gaara [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

There's no risk any more, no danger. You're a lot less likely to hit something if you go off and there's little gravel to get stuck in.

Part of the driver skill is bravery, go that little bit faster and be on age but everyone can do that now since there's no risk. Just look at Parabolica. That corners no longer a challenge. Turn 8 in Turkey would have been good but no, they stuck a car park right next to it.

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

I'm here just to see crashes and I know if I miss a race it'll be something like Spa 98 and Brazil 2003

Author:  Mitchell [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

i remeber watching f1 when i was little its so much better for reasons in which its kinda turing like Modern day NASCAR a bit

just when drivers battle for postions they really did have a battle not just standing there in the postion and watch everyone go by you

Author:  cookie [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

I still watch every race and try to watch all sessions, almost all of them live. But don't mind missing a practice session or watching qualy delayed. But the predictability and 1 team domination spoils everything. The season is also too long, 16 to 18 races was perfect. Get the crap circuits out of it, every race should be a huge event but some like Baku, Sochi, Abu Dhabi just don't feel like a real GP. The tracks suck. Final awesome season was 2012, good races and a title going down to the wire in real F1 cars. These V6 lawnmowers also don't help to bring excitement.

But I'll never stop watching completely, it can only get better as the Mercedes dominance will end. Nothing lasts forever.

Author:  ptclaus98 [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

I've only seen like 4 GPs live since 2013. Life has gotten in the way, and like someone mentioned above, it felt better when I started in 2006, as I was naive and didn't know any better. However, IMO, F1 should get closer to how it was in the late 80's and early 90's. I don't care if a team is 10 seconds off the pace. I don't think that would be all that common anyway. More teams, customer chassis, prequalifiying, hell, maybe even a heat race on Friday afternoon to get into the big show. Get rid of the requirement to have hybrids.

Basically quit being more restrictive and start being more inclusive. If F1 continues on the path of exclusivity, it is doomed to fail. It should be a celebration of motorsport, not of the worlds elite.

Author:  iks [ Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

I haven't watched any F1 races (live or not) this year since Melbourne.

F1 today is just not what interests me. If it were more like F1 in the 1970s-1990s, then yeah I'd be watching every race and qualifying session.

And yes, it's way too corporate and sterile. :yuk:

Author:  webbsy [ Sun Oct 02, 2016 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

Gaara wrote:
There's no risk any more, no danger. You're a lot less likely to hit something if you go off and there's little gravel to get stuck in.

Part of the driver skill is bravery, go that little bit faster and be on age but everyone can do that now since there's no risk. Just look at Parabolica. That corners no longer a challenge. Turn 8 in Turkey would have been good but no, they stuck a car park right next to it.

Only going to be worse with the training wheels that is the Halo or Aero screen or whatever. But not wanting that just leads you to be labeled an out of touch Neanderthal.

I never ever bought the argument that its better and more exciting to have cars on the track than being stuck in the gravel and out of the race. Watching a driver beach it in the gravel because of a mistake is far more exciting to me than having say a situation at Silverstone this year with Verstapen and Kimi both going off at the first corner twice like a video game. There was no excitement in that for me. In fact I was actually pissed off But there was with Alonso going off...is he, isn't he going to get out of the gravel? Not going to lie, that is what attracted me to F1 in the first place.

Actually they have it right in Malaysia with turn 4-5. Hard compact grass on the outside of the kerb with gravel beyond that. Put a wheel on the compact grass and it will slow you down and put dirt on the tyres, a bit more of a penalty than running on astro turf but "allowing" them to continue.

Author:  Gaara [ Sun Oct 02, 2016 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

Not the same actually. The halo/screen isn't going to change how they race like car park runoffs do.

Author:  codename_47 [ Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

But they are the next step in the quest to eliminate any risk or danger from the sport, the allure of which is actually one of the USP's for watching
(Not to mention the known and unforeseen problems they'll undoubtedly cause, let alone the aesthetic reasons.
I'd wager a lot of the reason we're all here in the first place is because the first ever time we came across a racing car either as a toy, on a TV programme or computer game, etc, we thought it looked cool and wanted to see more of it in action, hence putting the race on.
That whole aspect of the sport is going to be lost soon enough as the look of motorsport starts fading away to a bland, samey, closed cockpit, closed wheel look across all series, whether they started as Open wheel, sportscar or whatever else)

Author:  Gaara [ Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

Well closing LMP1's hasn't changed the way they race have they?

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

eliminating the danger from the sport is a one way only, no turning back

unless the sport turn back to be that event that you had to be there to watch and the news of a racing death only come out in the newspapers in the following day

Author:  Fabs [ Sun Oct 02, 2016 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

It's predictable

It's a massive corporation's playgarden

The rules suck

And for swedish dickmember:

It's sexist for only men and when women enter it everybody laughs at them or bitches (is this sexist? perhaps I should say complain) about their capacities.

Author:  Soul Reaver [ Sun Oct 02, 2016 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why are we/TBK falling out of love with F1?

For me the ugly sound and unappealing duel for the championship. Nevermind the races itself who normally don't have fights for the win.

4 straight wins for Rosberg then 6 for Hamilton. That's not fun. But I probably should do some betting.

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