
Rate the 2016 Spanish GP
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Author:  Neil [ Mon May 16, 2016 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

9/10 for me. Cracking race, lots of tension and a brilliant winning drive from a driver who is still younger by nearly a full year than anyone else who has raced.

Author:  Tiemen [ Mon May 16, 2016 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

10/10 :)

Author:  Toto87 [ Mon May 16, 2016 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

Thanks for posting the poll Nea. I'm not at home at the moment and still need to watch all the races :)

Author:  micha [ Mon May 16, 2016 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

10 for me. Mercedes eliminating itself already gave a long missed excitement for who would win and with max winning brought it home for me. Spent a lot of time in the hospital for my 5 week old son and we will spent some more the coming week so it was very emotional for me.

Btw good call on posting this not directly after the race. Should cause more unbiased votes of people giving it a 1 just because their favorite driver spun out in T1. And yes I see the irony of my somewhat biased vote but I explained it at least.

Author:  Cheeveer [ Mon May 16, 2016 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

7. Unpredictable and tense, but where was the wheel to wheel racing? Circuit de Catalunya is not a good race track, and Vettel is a bitch and Kimi should retire.

Author:  racer612008 [ Mon May 16, 2016 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP


Author:  Ellu [ Mon May 16, 2016 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

10/10. Haven't been so excited since Suzuka 2000!

Author:  Echti [ Mon May 16, 2016 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP


Probably the best Spanish GP I have seen so far.

Author:  Gaara [ Mon May 16, 2016 11:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

7, too many long periods of hmm to be any higher.

Author:  Coldtyre [ Mon May 16, 2016 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

I thought I'd wait for the excitement to come down a bit to vote with a clear mind and give this race a fucking 10 out of 10.

Author:  pimmy [ Mon May 16, 2016 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

I don't know what everyone else was watching but this was not a good race. It had the potential to be more exciting than usual with both Mercs out on the first lap but just fell flat on its face. Ricciardo's attempted pass on Vettel generated some excitement and it was nice to see a new winner, but Verstappen only got into the lead via pit stops. Dreadful. 3.

Author:  Soul Reaver [ Mon May 16, 2016 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

8 - they all were so close all the race but no overtake, at least for the 50 laps that I could watch, storms pestered some and the end of the race.

- Classic teammates crashing probably the image of the year and maybe the biggest that will stand of this Mercedes era.
- New youngster Cinderella story couldn't be bigger.
- close 4 car battle for the win all the way around with no Mercedes involved
- split strategies
- Massa charging up the pack was great to follow
- Grosjean leading, or at least in 2nd for some laps
- After that crazy attempt from Ricciardo, when Vettel was kinda being conservative under braking, it was nice how he settled thing out by braking on the edge on the following lap.

- Thou close 4 car battle for the lead, no overtaking chance for all the time I could see, that was really really painful to watch for me.

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Mon May 16, 2016 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

9 - Mercedes out is what F1 needs, everybody trying desperately to win the race

of course the race lacked some action but the drama was intense enough to make this race historic

Author:  cookie [ Mon May 16, 2016 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

10. perfect race. Controversy with the Mercedes crash, then a 4 way battle for the win with different strategies. The DRS was perfect, just enough to keep the cars close together and for a few brave overtaking attempts. New surprise winner in his first race for the team. Everything what makes F1 racing great was here.

Author:  Fergo [ Mon May 16, 2016 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

Voted 9. Had everything you could possibly ask from Barcelona and more, but after the first lap it didn't have the batshit crazy element that i'd give a 10 to.

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Mon May 16, 2016 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

that race also showed how necessary is grass and gravel, if it was in Abu Dhabi, Hamilton could just had lifted off and lost time

Author:  kals [ Mon May 16, 2016 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

LucasWheldon wrote:
that race also showed how necessary is grass and gravel, if it was in Bahrain, Hamilton could just make the pass off track

Corrected. As I mentioned in the race thread, we'd seen this happen between Rosberg and Hamilton (and Alonso) before...


In this case Nico wasn't punished but the general consensus was Nico's driving / defense went too far.

Author:  Coldtyre [ Tue May 17, 2016 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

Rosberg is one of the rare drivers that go all the way to the inside. Nobody in their right mind does that, because after that you have to come back anyways or your line in the braking zone will be completely fucked.
They usually just go to the middle, or realise the driver behind is having a good run and leave a car width for him. It's the reason the driver behind generally keeps going for the gap and "trusts" the lead car, just like Hamilton did.

Author:  Omega [ Tue May 17, 2016 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rate the 2016 Spanish GP

coldtyre wrote:
Rosberg is one of the rare drivers that go all the way to the inside. Nobody in their right mind does that, because after that you have to come back anyways or your line in the braking zone will be completely fucked.
They usually just go to the middle, or realise the driver behind is having a good run and leave a car width for him. It's the reason the driver behind generally keeps going for the gap and "trusts" the lead car, just like Hamilton did.

The rule in any game or sport should always be: make it difficult but never impossible

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