
Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021
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Author:  EAS [ Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

Well, it looks like there is no visible sign of any yellow flag before he gets really close to the place where Stroll crashed. I think this explains why he only slows down after passing Stroll

Author:  Gaara [ Wed Jun 09, 2021 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

The personal attacks stop right here.

Author:  NVirkkula [ Wed Jun 09, 2021 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

Gaara wrote:
The personal attacks stop right here.

Good, I hope you do it equally in other threads too, like the one I reported on 31st of May.

Author:  codename_47 [ Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

micha wrote:
Coldtyre wrote:
Let's also balance that against a large majority of the 77 times he won for Mercedes, and thanked the team and the whole factory instead of taking all the credit to himself (including times where his own skills did make the difference)..

Just like Lewis should have balanced the Monaco mishap to the large majority of his wins.

Just this year alone he got 2 wins where strategy outclassed the faster Red Bull of Verstappen.

But it is abundantly clear that any criticism against Lewis is obviously racism and we should all suck his cock and let him spray his manjuice all over us instead of criticizing the man.

Why is it literally the only people who play the race card in relation to lewis is people who are criticising him and read point by point rebuttls of their arguments as the other side saying "how dare you criticise the only black driver in F1, this makes you a racist"

No-one had mentioned race here, you know. You can like him or hate him and not be racist, but as soon as you play the race card, you've lost the argument

Maybe people see the hypocrisy in your words as stupid, the hate in your opinions as annoying, but not one person said "you're racist for not liking Lewis"

He got 2 wins because of his own pace as much as the team's strategy, but then that's because they are a team, they've ALL worked together to make that car and they all deserve the praise when they manage to scratch out a victory.
Frankly, the team DID fuck up at Monaco, told him to save his tyres and they'd be going long, then they paniced and brought him in early.
Vettel proved the strength of the go long strategy so Mercedes should've stuck to their guns and not deviated from their plan
TBH there's not much else Lewis could've done at Monaco, it's not like he could burn down the inside of people with DRS and make up the deficit. If it was any other track, he'd have got by the Torro Rosso and Aston Martin, but not there
He was in the heat of the moment and pissed off that he lost places, but frankly, 19 drivers are allowed to express their opinions on the radio while the adrenaline is flowing with no consequence, but when Lewis does it, the FOM radio guy makes sure it's played immediately and people jump on him for it.
Max literally swore and got angry at Leclerc for deliberately crashing and ruining his lap in Monaco to deny him pole, but then after the race apologised and said he was wrong to say it. Goodguy Max, how wholesome.
Lewis got angry at losing places due to the team's pit strategy, said so on the radio, yet after the race apologised and said we win as a team and lose as a team.

The hypocrisy here is the problem. They all do it, but F1 twists itself in knots to prove that it's 10x worse when Lewis does it
From the FOM radio guy who only plays lewis' negative messages to the media and fans who lap it up to hate on him some more.

Enjoy your time as the underdog, max. In a few years, this will happen to you too.

Author:  Karan [ Wed Jun 09, 2021 11:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

While his rant over team radio in Monaco did come across as kinda childish, I actually thought his apology after was very genuine and not something I expected of Hamilton. And probably not something a younger Hamilton would've done.

In fact, I think a lot of the critical stigma of Hamilton is embedded in people from his McLaren and early Mercedes days (the Rosberg rivalry) where his true colors would come out often when backed into a corner, he'd get overly defensive and it was often a case of me, myself and I when something went well but the team's fault when things went wrong. It almost seemed like he had some sort of a complex, odd given all his success and a man at the top of his game. But then after the fact he would come out with some woke/philosophical statement which basically led to a lot of the critics viewing him as being fake.

Having said that, I think he's really matured and mellowed out a lot more in recent years and you can take a lot of what he says for face value now whether it be a rant against the team or an introspective Instagram post.

Author:  EAS [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

Just one point I am finding rather amusing here.

People defending Lewis here are talking about the radio during the race. People criticizing him are talking about a quote after the race.

Any discussion about the matter will suck if people decide to talk about different things.

Author:  EAS [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

You just proved my point. But I'll try to be more clear.

The point some people are making here is not necessarily about the team radio during the race, but about a quote after the race, with less of the heat of the moment involved, in which supposedly he said he had nothing to learn after Monaco race because the poor result was all due to the team and the poor work they had done strategy wise, apparently ignoring his own poor performance on Saturday.

Author:  NVirkkula [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

Scotty wrote:
EAS wrote:
Just one point I am finding rather amusing here.

People defending Lewis here are talking about the radio during the race. People criticizing him are talking about a quote after the race.

Some people attacking him were criticizing him for how upset he was, at his team on the radio mid-Monaco race.

I personally feel (my opinion) you should never criticize an athlete for something they've said in the heat of the moment, whether it's mid race or mid game. The brain is operating completely differently, winning is the only thing on your mind, you have zero focus and clarity with what you're saying, you've just got tunnel vision to one goal or task in mind.

As I've said a million times, there is 100 reasons to hate Lewis Hamilton, but people seem to choose all the wrong ones.

So now you're an expert of human mind and psychology.

What would this forum be without a brilliant and caring mind like you?

Author:  NVirkkula [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

Scotty wrote:
NVirkkula wrote:
What would this forum be without a brilliant and caring mind like you?

I appreciate the compliment, thank you. I'm glad you've seen me for what I am, a caring, gentle soul, who's just got the forum's best interest in mind :)

How great we got this one settled out for once it for all. Have a pleasant afternoon! :thumbsup:

Author:  iks [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

Scotty wrote:
EAS wrote:
Just one point I am finding rather amusing here.

People defending Lewis here are talking about the radio during the race. People criticizing him are talking about a quote after the race.

Some people attacking him were criticizing him for how upset he was, at his team on the radio mid-Monaco race.

I personally feel (my opinion) you should never criticize an athlete for something they've said in the heat of the moment, whether it's mid race or mid game. The brain is operating completely differently, winning is the only thing on your mind, you have zero focus and clarity with what you're saying, you've just got tunnel vision to one goal or task in mind.

As I've said a million times, there is 100 reasons to hate Lewis Hamilton, but people seem to choose all the wrong ones.

Actually, Lewis made disparaging comments after the race to the press about the team. It wasn't in the heat of the moment.

Try again. :roll:

Author:  micha [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

codename_47 wrote:
Frankly, the team DID fuck up at Monaco,

The fuck up started with him having an absolute off weekend. And he even failed to live up to that.

Bottas, up until his unfortunate pitstop, was right up there. So it wasnt that the Mercedes was an absolute dog around the track. Someone like Hamilton should have been able to actually challenge Verstappen in that spot.

He simply went on to blame the team for the setup. I'm willing to believe a lot but I'm not believing someone like Hamilton has absolute zero say in his own setup. So even if they went the wrong direction with the setup, own up to it and say that "the team and I" went in the wrong direction. Dont shift the full blame to the team.

After he doubled down on blaming the team. After having time to cool down. I'm willing to give him a pass for the heat of the moment during the race. He had nothing to learn from the race but the team a lot.

And then this weekend he makes an absolute rookie mistake and its all "we win as a team and we lose as a team". No Lewis, by your earlier logic, YOU lost the race. YOU set the wrong setting. YOU went straight and lost an easy win. Not the team.

But sorry for having a different opinion on the GOAT. :roll:

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

when Hamilton retires there'll be a great void in this forum

Author:  EAS [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

LucasWheldon wrote:
when Hamilton retires there'll be a great void in this forum

I don't think so. People will find ways to compare any eventual mistake of Charles, Max or Lando later in their careers to something Lewis did in his time lol

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

at least we can still badmouth Max because of his dad

Author:  Gabriel [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

I just hope that Dan Ticktum finds his way into F1.

Fuck that guy lol

Author:  micha [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

LucasWheldon wrote:
at least we can still badmouth Max because of his dad

At the very least we can badmouth the orange army that surely soon will dominate almost every race :yuk:

Author:  codename_47 [ Thu Jun 10, 2021 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

Gabriel wrote:
I just hope that Dan Ticktum finds his way into F1.

Fuck that guy lol

The way he's failed upwards at being nothing special pace wise vs being a loudmouth in the press and on radio, I fear its inevitable

Or he'll head to indycar and be team mates to Ferruci.... :whistling:

Author:  sennadesillva [ Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

micha wrote:
LucasWheldon wrote:
at least we can still badmouth Max because of his dad

At the very least we can badmouth the orange army that surely soon will dominate almost every race :yuk:

My god, can you imagine Zandvoort in September if Max is still leading the title?! The atmosphere there is going to be crazy. Max fan or not, it will probably be an amazing race to be at.

Author:  EAS [ Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

Cunts, Hamilton at Monaco, Orange Army, Zandvoort, even Dan Ticktum...

I love our ability to speak of anything just to be in denial of the next race

Author:  NVirkkula [ Fri Jun 11, 2021 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2021

EAS wrote:
Cunts, Hamilton at Monaco, Orange Army, Zandvoort, even Dan Ticktum...

I love our ability to speak of anything just to be in denial of the next race

Why did you have to bring up Paul Ricard?!?!

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