
Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021
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Author:  Coldtyre [ Mon Jul 19, 2021 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

Can we also note how this should've been an easy win for Bottas, with 10 seconds to Hamilton and one asthmatic Ferrari he had outqualified prior :lol:

Summoning @
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please don't shoot the messenger mate

Author:  NVirkkula [ Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

Coldtyre wrote:
Can we also note how this should've been an easy win for Bottas, with 10 seconds to Hamilton and one asthmatic Ferrari he had outqualified prior :lol:

Summoning @
User avatar
please don't shoot the messenger mate

Yeah, I'm not gonna defend Bottas. He should have been ahead of Leclerc and drive to distance.

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

could had looked (even) bad if they switched positions for the win had not been a Ferrari ahead

Author:  Karan [ Mon Jul 19, 2021 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

Just watched the team radio highlighted posted by F1 on YouTube and interesting moment with Stroll in the race, entering Brooklands with the broadcast helicopter hovering quite low right in the braking zone. You can actually see the car shudder around, maybe due to downforce loss from the down wash? Never seen that before personally. Wouldn't have been good if he had spun off there.

Author:  codename_47 [ Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

Jesus Christ what a race to miss. Last time I missed a race was Austria 1 so I wasn't too worried about missing this one.
But then, it's almost as if it isn't about me and races will be good or bad regardless if I'm watching or not... :p

Between my girlfriend hearing Max was in Hospital and not wanting to tell me due to spoilers (I've told her now that if I miss a race and someone is hurt/dies, just tell me cos I won't wanna rewatch that) and Channel 4 uploading their coverage to their on-demand service then taking it down again after I'd watched the pre-race build up, I honestly thought we had another Imola 94 on our hands.

Finally getting to watch it just now, I was relieved that after a day of anxiety the big incident wasn't fatal.
So here is my take on what might well be the biggest incident of the season:

The fault was clearly with the car on the inside, just because a car is on your outside, doesn't mean you can get on the thottle early when there's no TC to gather it up
Vettel was clearly at fault and Alonso was 100% innocent.

The Torrent I downloaded may have just started from the restart.... :whistling:

Author:  codename_47 [ Mon Jul 19, 2021 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

To be serious though, we all knew this friendly respectful rivalry Max and Lewis had wouldn't last all season

They're both determined, uncompromising, hard fighting competittors who never, ever back down.
We've seen them both push rules to the limits and even beyond in their quest for perfection on track, though I would argue if the incident was the other way around, Max would've been through and Lewis would've done what Charles did later on and just ran wide and lived to race another corner, Lewis doesn't defend as hard as Max in these situations, which definitely had a contributing factor to the incident

That said, it was more Lewis' fault than Max, but I find some of the hyperbole here about Lewis was deliberately trying to take off Max and launch him into the spectactors a bit much
We want our racers to race on track, not sit behind and wait for the pit stops. If they'd got through Copse and continued racing for the rest of the lap, we'd have put it down to a lap that was up there with Donington 93 and Imola 04 and all the other famous first laps famous for close racing that didn't end in huge accidents

Lewis was there. He committed to overtaking early on and drew up past Max' front wheel before he decided to back out of it to avoid the accident he knew would happen when Max started his uncompromising swing into the corner.
I honestly think Lewis' worst mistake was trying to back out of it. If he hadn't, they'd have hit front wheel to front wheel, possibly flush and probably both ran a bit wide and maybe picked up a bit of damage, but it wouldn't have been the huge incident we saw on Sunday
Potentially an even better race if they could both pit to change tyres or wings or whatever and fight their way back though the field.
Especially if there was enough debris for a SC

But back to what actually happened, Lewis tried to pull out of the move, probably why he missed the apex as he was off the power or on the brakes at a time he should've been powering through the corner and steering to the apex, and there was contact
His fault, he tried a legitimate racing move, and it didn't come off.
Racing incident with him slightly more at fault, so the penalty was fair.
It was basically a drive through penalty, but as the commentators were falling over themselves to tell us about 20 times this weekend, you can't do a drive through at Silverstone because the pit lane is a short cut and even with the speed limiter, it is slightly quicker going that way than going around it on track.

As far as the championship goes, Liberty must be thinking all their christmases have come at once.
After years of Merc dominance with occasional flashes of Ferrari challenge, it was looking like another dead rubber with a different team at the front for a change, red bull dominance with occasional Mercedes challenge.
Now thousands of headlines will be written, the Max vs Lewis Rivalry will begin in earnest and dominate the next 3 years, rule changes permitting.
And here's my prediction for the rest of the season: It will happen again
The whole incident was one of desperation fueled by the sprint race.
Lewis knew if he couldn't get past on lap 1, his car sucks in traffic more than it ever has with the 2021 rule changes, so he HAD to make something happen
Max knew if Lewis got by, without Perez around to back him up Mercedes could potentially outfox them on strategy so he had to lead from the front and build a mercedes strategy proof gap.
Both were thinking exactly that as they went into the corner, neither willing to back down until it was too late.

Red Bull still have the faster car. Lewis will still be desperate to pass on lap 1 of every race. They won't hit for a bit but when it gets closer to the end of the season, either one of them will get desperate again and we'll have another 20 pages of anger.

As for the safety aspect, seeing the crash in hindsight is always a difficult thing but it isn't one where I think they'll have to make major changes to anything really. Runoff, circuit and car did their job to absorb the high speed impact and the driver ended up fine. Thank goodness
The wheel is a bit of an odd one though. All that research into wheel tethers and it flies off at the slightest dink.
I remember Ross Brawn once saying they were looking into ways to stop cars flipping in wheel to wheel moments by just breaking the suspension or other parts of the wheel so the energy wouldn't travel down the entire side of the car and flip the car over, is this what they mean? Or obviously a failure of that philosophy as that wheel really shouldn't be flying around like that.
If it had got between the car and the tyre barrier it might have intefered with the crash structure doing its job or worse penetrated into the car somewhere we really wouldn't want it to, maybe even the drivers cockpit area as it's not 100% impossible it could strike the driver even with the halo, especially if it was being bounced around by the tyre barrier.
Needs looking into imo

Sadly though, in the heat of the moment people reveal who they truly are, and the f1 world has apparently followed the football world in that if a black athlete fucks up, they have to suffer the most vile racial abuse as a consequence.
We've seen plenty of drivers make mistakes under high pressure situations yet the fans never turned on say, Vettel or Alonso and questioned their heritage just for a mistake on track.
Yet the worst kind of fan likes to make themselves known at times like this and its sickening. After the football and now this it makes you feel those kind of people are increasing in number, not being singled out and eliminated through better education :(

TL;DR, missed the race, wrote an essay about it instead.
Lewis shoulders the blame, but Max had his part in it too

Author:  Philthy82 [ Tue Jul 20, 2021 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

ptclaus98 wrote:
mclaren2008 wrote:
Stefan Bellof tried in Eau Rouge and we all know how that ended

Mark Webber tried it there, too, and we saw how that worked out.

That wasn't sticking a wheel in, that was completing an outside pass where he was already ahead entering the corner. If that's a relevant example than so is Dale Earnhardt on Terry Labonte at Bristol.

Author:  webbsy [ Tue Jul 20, 2021 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

I'd say it is practically a given that there will be contact at the next race in Hungary, especially turn two (or three?) where it is possible to go around the outside. Expect whoever is on the inside to run the guy out wide.

Author:  westracing01 [ Tue Jul 20, 2021 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

Only thing with the tire, is the tire came off the rim. The tether didn't break. Not sure what you can do with the tire unless you want to run double beadlocks.

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

I guess this thing will be less common once they start running low profile tires

Author:  ptclaus98 [ Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

Philthy82 wrote:
ptclaus98 wrote:
mclaren2008 wrote:
Stefan Bellof tried in Eau Rouge and we all know how that ended

Mark Webber tried it there, too, and we saw how that worked out.

That wasn't sticking a wheel in, that was completing an outside pass where he was already ahead entering the corner. If that's a relevant example than so is Dale Earnhardt on Terry Labonte at Bristol.

OK, Pierre Gasly then. You can pass in Eau Rouge. It's dangerous, but motor racing is dangerous. Acting like its 1985 or that what happened to Bellof is relevant now is as dumb as the bullshit analogy in your last sentence.

Author:  Philthy82 [ Fri Jul 23, 2021 3:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

ptclaus98 wrote:
Philthy82 wrote:
ptclaus98 wrote:
Mark Webber tried it there, too, and we saw how that worked out.

That wasn't sticking a wheel in, that was completing an outside pass where he was already ahead entering the corner. If that's a relevant example than so is Dale Earnhardt on Terry Labonte at Bristol.

OK, Pierre Gasly then. You can pass in Eau Rouge. It's dangerous, but motor racing is dangerous. Acting like its 1985 or that what happened to Bellof is relevant now is as dumb as the bullshit analogy in your last sentence.

Or the bullshit analogy in your previous post? Except only one of those presented as a serious argument.

Also, assuming your Gasly reference is last year's race, same amount of bullshit. Again, Gasly was fully alongside on entry to the corner, not sticking a wheel in.


is not remotely the same as this:

or this:

Author:  webbsy [ Fri Jul 23, 2021 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

Red Bull. A team with a history of being complete and utter twats.

I would happily have Helmut Marko being banned from the paddock for bringing the sport into disrepute. He is straight up calling the stewards incompetent, and also subtly hinting at bias in their decision.

Author:  Coldtyre [ Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

RedBull's attitude can be detrimental to a driver's development. I suspect that they never tell Max that even when a driver is 0% at fault, he should be smarter and think long-term results for himself and for the team, rather than take every inch in every fight he's invited to. They made similar comments after Brazil 2018, when really if there's a mad man going at you, you can't control his actions. Just let the fucker by and protect your car and your result.

Author:  NVirkkula [ Fri Jul 23, 2021 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

webbsy wrote:
Red Bull. A team with a history of being complete and utter twats.

I would happily have Helmut Marko being banned from the paddock for bringing the sport into disrepute. He is straight up calling the stewards incompetent, and also subtly hinting at bias in their decision.

Banned? For what? Doing all he can to get every stone turned to get some justice legal way?

dr.Marko is doing great in this case, just pointing out his views, no bad mouthing, fighting with right tools and so on.

Either way he's going to win this one. They give an additional penalty for Hamilton, or they can start using more questionable methods against Mercedes.

Mercedes and Lewis couldn't take away Red Bull's wings so they take out their wheels. Maybe Red Bull wants to see if this could be changed before applying same methods?

Mercedes reign of terror needs to end so that the sport could survive this decade.

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

they should had held an appeal after the GP to strip the points claiming the opposition wasn't good enough for the applied penalty

idk anything that could make stop Hamilton getting the points that were destined to be Verstappen's

Author:  webbsy [ Fri Jul 23, 2021 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

NVirkkula wrote:
webbsy wrote:
Red Bull. A team with a history of being complete and utter twats.

I would happily have Helmut Marko being banned from the paddock for bringing the sport into disrepute. He is straight up calling the stewards incompetent, and also subtly hinting at bias in their decision.

Banned? For what? Doing all he can to get every stone turned to get some justice legal way?

dr.Marko is doing great in this case, just pointing out his views, no bad mouthing, fighting with right tools and so on.

Either way he's going to win this one. They give an additional penalty for Hamilton, or they can start using more questionable methods against Mercedes.

Mercedes and Lewis couldn't take away Red Bull's wings so they take out their wheels. Maybe Red Bull wants to see if this could be changed before applying same methods?

Mercedes reign of terror needs to end so that the sport could survive this decade.

You just answered it. This isn't a sporting/technical regulation we are talking about here. This something else entirely. This is he didn't get the penalty WE wanted so we are possibly going to sue so we can get what WE want. What kind of can of worms do you want them to open?

Author:  LucasWheldon [ Fri Jul 23, 2021 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

one impression that I have is that this looks like a bit with 1994, with Mercedes obviously having the Williams role and Red Bull claiming to be the Benetton

the difference is the damn mercedes didn't had the bent suspension

Author:  micha [ Fri Jul 23, 2021 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

Don’t really know how to feel about Red Bull’s move. The penalty is greatly unjust but at the same time in line with similar incidents.
It sucks the red flag saved Lewis without zero repercussions. This needs to be fixed.

If RBR can produce new evidence that 100% proofs Lewis was an evil villain and deserves a harder penalty, bring it on.
If It’s just because they want a harsher penalty then shut the fuck up and suck it up.

I’m pissed too with the relative light penalty, Lewis winning and celebrating like the royal dickhead he is but Max just needs to step it up and utterly trash him in the next few races.

Author:  webbsy [ Fri Jul 23, 2021 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Formula 1 Pirelli British Grand Prix 2021

Serious question. If Lewis hadn't celebrated and acted afterwards like such a twat, would Red Bull have come out as they have? I kinda get the feeling that that is what has pissed them off the most.

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