
2014 Random F1 Discussion
Page 230 of 302

Author:  Mäth [ Wed Sep 03, 2014 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

asshat wrote:
We have seen 330+kph at China, Germany and Spa.

I am going to take a punt at 360kph at Monza.

Massa hit 343 kph in Montréal !

Author:  asshat [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

Mäth wrote:
asshat wrote:
We have seen 330+kph at China, Germany and Spa.

I am going to take a punt at 360kph at Monza.

Massa hit 343 kph in Montréal !
Completely forgot about Montreal. I saw a video of Bottas hitting 340 at Spa in the race.

Author:  alex1369 [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

347 km/h for Hamilton in Germany, with DRS..

Author:  Talladega [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

De Cesaris fan wrote:
I'd like to listen to the cars in person as it probably sounds different on the TV.

I've always said that I prefer the pitch of the current engines. The old ones were a little too high pitched and it's nice that they're deeper again now. I just wish they were a little bit louder, maybe. I like being able to hear the crowd and tyre lock ups though, so I guess there are positives either way.

Trackside, the cars sound like shit. Coming out of the previous corner, you can't hear them. Going into your corner, the only thing you may hear is some tire screeching, but that gets old after 5 laps. Going out, you'll hear a soup of nothingness drowned in unappealing turbo whistle. 2 seconds later it's back to a deafening silence.

As I said previously, from my experience of attending a V8-era race (Singapore 2012) and a V6T-era race (Spain 2014), I would not say that the lack of noise ruined my fun, but it absolutely a huge downgrade as far as the "fan experience" goes. In Singapore when walking to get to the track, you'd hear the cars blazing by and people were getting so hyped up just from the sound (of course, being a city-race helps making the cars sound noisier). In Barcelona people were laughing at the fact that the GP2 and GP3 cars were louder than the F1s.

To elaborate on my point, here is a video I filmed during a practice session in Barcelona. This is what it sounds like trackside:

Author:  Laske [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

i always assumed that the loudness of the v10's and v8's would be incredibly overbearing in person, like it would be the coolest goddamned thing ever for seven laps and then be annoying with no escape. that's how it is at a NASCAR race like Dover or Bristol, it just gets old after awhile.

Author:  Footballs [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

Антон wrote:
The Sochi lap from Codemasters

If they had of stuck with one fucking camera angle on the car we might have some idea of the track layout.

Author:  Footballs [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

Scotty wrote:
You couldn't hear trackside commentators, talk to the person sitting/standing next to you, remove ear plugs. You have ears ringing for 2-3 days, get headaches, I felt really ill in Melbourne in 2008 because it was over 40 degrees every day and I had a huge headache from the noise. It's a cool gimmick but that's all it is, a gimmick. Do louder cars make the racing better? As laske says, for me it gets old really fast

I copped shit for saying this last time but small things entertain small minded people. The only people I heard complaining about it were toothless bogans and morons who clearly preferred V8 Supercars anyway. Its the sports oldest gimmick.

As a matter of fact, in this litigation era we live, to see people in 20-30 years time suing FOM due to permanent hearing loss and not doing anything about it, personally even wearing earplugs all day you still have ears ringing at the end of the day.

Another thing, even if not true, the cars look like they are travelling way faster without the noise.

I reckon it's great hearing the screech of tyres now into corners and the whistle sound of the turbo coming into slower corners.

Author:  alex1369 [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

When i go on F1 race my ears hurt a bit the first 5 min.. but after that its music to my ears.
I dont wear earplugs, cars pass by at full speed 10m in front of me.
Last year i was in Monza...

Author:  Tobias [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

that first real corner on Sochi is actually better than I thought with the outside kerb moving in.

There are also many similar turns to Abu Dhabi's weak right before a 90° right (approaching the hotel section)

Author:  Coldtyre [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

alex1369 wrote:
When i go on F1 race my ears hurt a bit the first 5 min.. but after that its music to my ears.
I dont wear earplugs, cars pass by at full speed 10m in front of me.
Last year i was in Monza...

Please stop doing that and wear earplugs. I am serious about this. When it doesn't hurt anymore, it means your body gave up the fight and got used to the damage done, not that everything is fine.

Author:  Ellu [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

Indeed, and one way or the other society has to pay up for that. But this season at the Hungaroring, after the GP2 i took out the plugs and threw them out. No necessity to wear those with the current F1 :(

Author:  Ian-S [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

Yeah you don't want to end up like my dad and deaf as a result, he spent years standing on pit walls facing the traffic (as you do) and now is almost 90% deaf in his right ear and 40% deaf in his left (obviously on a clockwise circuit like we have here, his right ear was closest to the traffic).

The noise never hurt him either, but he's now regretting the stupidness of not wearing earplugs so he looked 'cool and brave', continuously now.

Author:  Tobias [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

the sound question, when it comes to F1, has become redundant anyway.

Author:  Mattzel89 [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AW: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

The only time my ears where hurting was when I experienced the 1995 F1 Ferrari V12 on track. And that was nine years ago.

Managed to experience the new F1 engines in Spa two weeks ago, and I love them. Not just the sound, but the new regulations as a whole after I hated pretty much everything about F1 at the end of 2013.

Author:  cookie [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

I miss that you can't feel the cars anymore. When they passed with the louder engines you could feel the vibrations on your body and the ground, now it's just meh.

Author:  Cheeveer [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

Go to Le Mans then. Corvette and Aston's V8's shakes the ground much more than any F1 car I've ever heard. The Ferrari shouts at you with a much more enjoyable tone. The Rebellion cars are pure joy. Etc.

Author:  Juihi [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

I still remember 4 Corvette's going past in a line... just rumbled my entire body and ground

Author:  alex1369 [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

Scotty wrote:
alex1369 wrote:
When i go on F1 race my ears hurt a bit the first 5 min.. but after that its music to my ears.
I dont wear earplugs, cars pass by at full speed 10m in front of me.
Last year i was in Monza...

Wow you're so cool, you must shit ice cubes.

Enjoy spending a quarter of your life in silence

Everybody likes it his own way...
You know how they say 100 pepole, 100 differences..

Author:  alex1369 [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

I was on GP 8 times, and only in Monza i get very close to the cars with the cheapest ticket. And couple months ago i did medical examination for a job. And i can hear very good. So there were no problems.
But oh well we all get old so who knows..
But i dont wanna argue over nonsences.
Everybody will do what he/she thinks is the best for him/she..

Author:  Justin Time [ Thu Sep 04, 2014 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2014 Random F1 Discussion

Scotty wrote:
You know how they say every idiot needs it's village?

I have bad hearing due to birth complications, I know about it all. I have the hearing of a 40 year old and I'm not even 25. I have enough problems not understanding people now. I don't want 30-40 years of awkward "HUH?" conversations.

We get it, Scotty, of course you right. As always. Feel better now?

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