
IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT
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Author:  electrodevo [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

Gaara wrote:
Vassago wrote:
The results will stand. You can't appeal a black flag.

Fuck that.

IRL. Series of bullshit rules. I thought this was auto racing.

Author:  Scirocco [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

i cant see how thats a block... what shitty rules irl have.

Author:  pending [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

I really don't understand how after all these years officials can't understand what a block is. They are the ones making the rules, ffs! A block is a reaction to the car behind. If Power would've took the inside before Helio then it would've been a block. I dislike Helio in so many ways but that was fair..

Author:  mclaren2008 [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

It was the last few laps. So they just expect you to not to defend your lead and this late stage, after a late restart. It fine to be harsh at the start, but not in the last 3 laps.

Brendan Kaczmarek wrote:
Funny how Bernard was just talking about how they need a credible series and how much Duno hurts that, then Barnhart goes and makes a completely moronic decision like this. I'm thinking he's the one who needs to told to go away.

At Iowa they black-flagged her for going too slow and her Barber antics weren't too classy either

Author:  James B [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

OK, I switched off the race after Helio took the lead so I missed all this. I've just watched back the incident - when I saw it, I thought "surely there's something else to come after...no, there can't be, Dixon's passed Power"

That was a terrible decision, no doubt about it. I usually at least try to find some reason in controversial decisions like this but I can honestly say that I can't find anything wrong with it at all. Calls like that make you suspicious of what's going on behind closed doors. Not a good day for the IRL

Author:  Coyotekart1 [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

Well, Barnhart made the correct call according to the rule book. Unfortuantly, that rule cost Helio the win. That rule needs to be sacked. I aint a fan of Barnhart but he did make the right call according to the rules.

Author:  ryan86 [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

Listening to BB, it was the right decision, it's just a terrible rule and I'm disappointed that reporter didn't ask a few more probing questions.

Author:  MaTT [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

One of which should be 'why does a supposed top-line driving series employ a rule that gives viewers the impression that the drivers in it aren't qualified enough to race for position properly'.

I've moaned about this rule for years, as have plenty of you. I can imagine perhaps using it in something like FBMW or GP3, but in IndyCar? Come off it.

Author:  ellis [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

ryan86 wrote:
Listening to BB, it was the right decision, it's just a terrible rule and I'm disappointed that reporter didn't ask a few more probing questions.

Thing is, it isn't the right decision according to the rules, because this rule seems to changing every weekend. At Toronto you were allowed to defend by taking the inside line, as long as you only moved once - that is pretty much the same rule as every series has.

At Edmonton that somehow changed to no running the inside line. Wait, what? That isn't what the rules said, and isn't the rules at the other tracks?

Does each track come with it's own rule book now? Because this rule isn't no blocking. It's no defending and no racing.

Author:  webbsy [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

Toto87 wrote:
Cartman wrote:
Any video yet?

WTF is that? They got a security guard and by the looks of it restrained him by holding his hands.....

Author:  ellis [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

Well Helio was ready to knock somebody out, so I'd say they did a good job getting him to calm down. That's hardly the issue anyway - he was right to feel that angry.

Author:  TuscanGT [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

I think if they can make such an important decision as this to effect the overall winner then they really need to take a closer look at the blue flag rules. Im sick of seeing slower drivers not getting out of the leaders way and ruining a good fight up front without any consequences. I think it was at Long Beach this year when Lloyd took out Wilson when it was shaping up for a really close finish. I think we've seen some excellend action in IRL this year but the call yesterday taints the whole thing.

Author:  Speedworx [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

The officials stuck to what they tell the drivers;

"The rules are clear on it. In every drivers' meeting we talk about it. On road courses we divide the track physically in half, and from the braking point to entry they're told you can only be on the inside half if you're attempting to overtake someone.

"If you're on the inside half while someone is trying to overtake you, it's blocking. Unfortunately... I know they're competitive guys and it was late in the race, but it really wasn't a difficult call to make.


Yes its harsh, but Helio fucked up!

Author:  ellis [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

No! I wish people would stop reading those quotes and taking it as truth. That isn't what the rules have been. In Toronto, countless times we seen drivers taking the inside into the hairpin and it was all right. It wasn't blocking, it was defending. Then we move to Edmonton, and suddenly the rules change.

The problem here is whilst they may (or may not) have applied the rules correctly in this instance, the rules change on a weekly basis. So how are the drivers meant to race when the goal posts constantly move?

Helio got a bigger penalty for racing than others get for causing accidents. So Helio should have just given Power the place, then punted him afterwards. You have less chance of getting a penalty for causing an accident than you do for racing other cars.

Author:  Vassago [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

I still remember when Lloyd chopped off Wilson's wing at Long Beach. He was in the way of the leaders for 4 laps and Barnhardt ignored that, yet here he threw the rule book literally after few seconds. Surely, something's up behind the stage in all this and moreover anybody who takes the side of IRL officials and their "down-to-Earth" rules is just naive beyond logic.

Author:  cookie [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

Just watched the race, boring piece of shit on a crap track. Never has this track produced a good race, and the only exciting thing (the final restart) gets the winner taken his win away, total bullshit.

They realy need to scrap that no blocking rule, because blocking creates good racing. Maybe not on ovals but street courses is something completely different.

And go back to Cleveland, at least that airfield track produced some good racing.

Author:  Brendan Kaczmarek [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

mclaren2008 wrote:
It was the last few laps. So they just expect you to not to defend your lead and this late stage, after a late restart. It fine to be harsh at the start, but not in the last 3 laps.

Brendan Kaczmarek wrote:
Funny how Bernard was just talking about how they need a credible series and how much Duno hurts that, then Barnhart goes and makes a completely moronic decision like this. I'm thinking he's the one who needs to told to go away.

At Iowa they black-flagged her for going too slow and her Barber antics weren't too classy either

I think you missed my point, which was that Randy Bernard has just been talking about needing a credible series, specifically talking about how allowing a driver like Duno to race week in and week out is seriously hurting the credibility of IndyCar. They'd been making strides to ensure that, if she can't handle it, she's out. Suddenly on the back of putting her on probation, Barnhart goes and makes a completely ridiculous decision that strips a race winner away for defending. So much for credibility.

Author:  westracing01 [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

So, basically, this rule means that as the leader of the race, you cannot force your opposition to take the hard way past and you have to give your foes the open ground to easily mount an overtaking maneuver on you... Yeah, that's nice.

Let's put the stupid in perspective... If this rule was used on all ovals, anyone running the low groove at anytime would be subject to a blocking penalty. Yet, 95% of all the passing on the ovals happens on the outside since everyone always runs the bottom.

Same thing here. Helio just made Will have to work for it instead of pulling over and handing him the lead. The rulebook is shit, Barnhart is shit, the drivers are shit for being a bunch of whining pussies who support this preposterous decision... Oh hell the whole damn thing is shit.

Author:  jdh [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

Brian Barnhart: "You can only be on the inside half of the track if you are overtaking someone. If you're on the inside half when someone is trying to overtake you, it's blocking."

Probably the most retarded rule I've ever heard.

Author:  dennyk [ Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: IRL @ Edmonton | Screwjobs and bullshit ITT

I knew Indycar had some rule about blocking, but I had no idea it forbids drivers from simply running the best line through a corner if they have someone behind them. That's about the dumbest rule I've ever heard of in a racing series. I agree that if they want to make rules against blocking it should be like the one-move rule; I can see the purpose of such a rule (if you don't have something to discourage it then you'll inevitably get some dumbass trying to make his car three lanes wide and in open-wheel racing that usually ends with someone flying into the catch fence), but basically saying the lead car has to move over and let the guy behind him pass is going way too far.

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